I did my usual 3 mile route last night. Not real motivated to move my fat ass, but, itapos;s better than nothing.
Iapos;ll try for 4 tonight.
More on the new foster girl. I donapos;t think Iapos;m supposed to give alot of details about her, itapos;s probably like the witness protection program, or something. Who knows if the crazy parents will come looking for her - I mean she was forcefully taken away from them. Most of you know that Iapos;m not much of a "kid" person, I like animals and old people. I think I was probably a lioness, or something in a previous life... Haha
Anyway, I mean I like kids, just donapos;t have that maternal thing going on. Never did. However, this little girl is just so itty-bitty and sooo cute. How could anyone ever harm such a tiny little thing? I just donapos;t get it. I feel like the Grinch with my heart growing inside my chest.. Haha Normally I donapos;t feel bad for kids much (I know, Iapos;m horrible right?) - I guess because Iapos;ve never actually seen an abused kid before. She has actual evidence of abuse - and sheapos;s just so forgiving. Itapos;s so sad.
Look at me, I DO have a heart.
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